
A rapprochement between Syria and Turkey is on the table. Here’s what it might mean for the region – Abby Sewell & Suzan Fraser...

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar Assad have recently signaled that they are interested in restoring diplomatic ties that have been ruptured for more than...

Syrians in Turkey fear for future after Erdogan plans talks with Assad – Burcu Karakaş / REUTERS

President Tayyip Erdogan's sudden plan to invite his estranged Syrian counterpart Bashar al-Assad for talks has raised fears among Syrians in Turkey of being...

Erdogan open to hosting Assad, Putin as Syria-Turkey channels widen – Ezgi Akın / AL MONITOR

The remarks came as both Erdogan and Assad raised the possibility of resuming dialogue between Ankara and Damascus. Al-Monitor, July 6, 2024, by Ezgi Akın In...

Turkey closes Syria border after violence flares in both countries / REUTERS

Turkey closed its main border crossings into northwest Syria on Tuesday after Turkish troops came under fire from Syrians angered by violence against their...

Turkey’s president expresses willingness to restore diplomatic ties with Syria / AP

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that there is no obstacle preventing Turkey and Syria from restoring diplomatic ties that were cut off at the...

Türkiye Fortifies its Positions in Idlib Ahead of Possible Military Escalation –  Saeed Abdulrazek / ASHARQ AL-AWSAT

The Turkish army has brought in military and logistic reinforcements to its positions in de-escalation zones in Syria’s Idlib that lie in the areas...

Eleven dead and dozens missing in two shipwrecks – George Wright / BBC

At least 11 people have died and more than 60 are missing as a result of two shipwrecks off the coast of southern Italy,...

Syria says no dialogue with Turkey before Ankara announces plans to withdraw its troops – ALBERT AJI / ABC NEWS

Syria’s foreign minister says any dialogue between Syria and Turkey should only take place after Ankara announces that it will withdraw its troops from...

Turkey signals a new military intervention in Syria if Kurdish groups hold local elections / INDEPENDENT

Turkey's president says his country won't hesitate to launch a new offensive in northern Syria if Kurdish groups there go ahead with plans to...

US, Turkey kick off comprehensive talks to explore improving troubled ties / REUTERS

The U.S. and Turkey are set to kick off comprehensive talks on Thursday to discuss if the NATO allies can move beyond deep-rooted disagreements...

Turkey and Syria face challenge to mend ties after years of ‘zero trust’ – Ayla Jean Yackley / FINANCIAL TIMES

Ankara’s cross-border incursions and control over northern areas complicate talks, Ayla Jean Yackley's analysis in Financial Times on February 5, 2023. Turkish President Recep Tayyip...

Russia still working on ‘historic’ meeting with Turkey, Iran and Syria – Seth J. Frantzman / THE JERUSALEM POST

"Turkey-Russia ties are very important and Ankara would like to find a way to meet with Damascus without angering the Syrian rebels too much."...

In Line with Russian Understanding, Türkiye Withdraws from Checkpoint on Syria’s M4 Highway – Saeed Abdulrazek / AL-AWSAT

"Turkish forces have started withdrawing from a military checkpoint south of the M4 highway connecting Syria’s Aleppo and Latakia governorates in preparation of the...

Turkey is running Northern Syria dry – Gisella Ligios / NEW INTERNATIONALIST

Gisella Ligios reports from Rojava on the threat of food and water insecurity, and its impact on farming livelihoods, in New Internationalist on January 30,...

Russia readies for another U.N. fight over Syria aid deliveries – Reuters/Michelle Nichols

"Russia laid the groundwork on Wednesday for another fight over whether the U.N. Security Council should renew approval of humanitarian aid deliveries from Turkey...

Look for the Local – Carnegie Middle East Center/Francesco Siccardi

"Syria has been one of the hot topics of Turkish political debate this summer. After having announced a new military operation in northern Syria,...

Closing Syria aid route would be ‘catastrophe’, UN warned – The Guardian/Patrick Wintour

"The last remaining UN humanitarian aid route into Syria looks set to be shut down in a vote at the body’s security council next...

Ukraine, Syria top Lavrov’s agenda in Turkey – Al-Monitor/Fehim Taştekin

"Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov is due to visit Turkey June 8 as Ankara looks for a Russian or US nod to press ahead...

Obstacles Turkey is facing in its new operation plan in Syria – Al-Monitor/Fehim Taştekin

"Kobani, Manbij and Tel Rifaat stand out as the main targets in a prospective new Turkish operation in northern Syria, but Erdogan might narrow...

Turkey threatens new Syria incursion amid NATO debate – Al-Monitor

"Erdogan ups the ante as NATO allies offer cool response to Ankara’s demands over Sweden, Finland membership" says Al-Monitor. President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said on...

Turkey’s Black Sea warning may impact Syria more than Ukraine – Al-Monitor

"Turkey will limit the passage of Russian warships through its straits linking the Mediterranean and Black Sea as the Russian invasion of Ukraine continues...


A brilliant synthesis of Turkey's foreign policy of two decades published in. CEPA February 17, 2022 and The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policiy Turkey...

Fehim Taştekin: « Turkey eyes five new targets for possible offensive in Syria » – Al-Monitor

"Turkey has ramped up military activity on the ground in Syria following a parliamentary extension of the government's mandate to carry out cross-border operations....

Fehim Taştekin: « Iran and Turkey return to the old game » – Duvar

"With both Iran and Turkey reevaluating relations with the long-deadlocked Arab world, the Persian-Turkish rivalry may rear its ugly head," says Fehim Taştekin on...

Biden says Turkey ‘undermining’ fight against ISIS in Syria – Duvar

"U.S. President Joe Biden said on Oct. 7 that Turkey was “undermining” the fight against ISIS with its military offensives into northeastern Syria." reports...

Erdogan-Putin summit highlights Turkey’s fragile balancing act – Fehim Taştekin – Al-Monitor

"Erdogan’s failure to achieve his goals in the high-profile meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin shows that Turkey’s balancing act with Russia and the...

Fehim Taştekin: « What’s cooking for Syria in the Russian-American pot? »

"While Turkey is focusing on Idlib where three Turkish soldiers were recently killed, there is a lot of traffic surrounding Syria. It is being...

Armed Low-Cost Drones, Made by Turkey, Reshape Battlefields and Geopolitics – Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal, June 3, 2021, James Marson in Istanbul, Brett Forrest in Washington, image: Murat Cetinmuhurdar Missile-equipped drones built with affordable digital technology...

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