
Eleven dead and dozens missing in two shipwrecks – George Wright / BBC

At least 11 people have died and more than 60 are missing as a result of two shipwrecks off the coast of southern Italy,...

Conference: Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration: Norms, Discourses, and Control Mechanisms / IFEA

Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes (IFEA), April 17, 2024 The international conference Queerness and Gender Diversity in/to Migration: Norms, Discourses and Control Mechanisms aims to explore the impact...

En Turquie, « les envies d’ailleurs se propagent comme un virus » – Raphael Geiger / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

Confrontés à la crise économique et au recul des libertés, les jeunes Turcs n’ont plus qu’un souhait : émigrer. Par tous les moyens, toutes classes...

12 people found frozen to death near Turkey’s border with Greece – The Guardian

"Turkish minister claims Greek border guards pushed back people whose bodies were ‘stripped of shoes and clothes’" says Helena Smith in The Guardian. The bodies...

Kurds in ‘mountain prison’ cower as Turkey fights PKK with drones in Iraq

Guardian, 4 Avril 2021, Bethan McKernan, image: Getty images As decades-old battle intensifies, civilians count cost in lives and livelihoods. It took 10 days to find Muhsin...

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