
Eleven dead and dozens missing in two shipwrecks – George Wright / BBC

At least 11 people have died and more than 60 are missing as a result of two shipwrecks off the coast of southern Italy,...

Sisi, Erdogan meet, pledge new era of Egypt-Turkey relations – Al-Monitor/Nazlan Ertan

"Turkish analysts believe that the enthusiastic handshake between Sisi and Erdogan may facilitate the budding rapprochement but will not be a magic wand, particularly...

Fehim Taştekin: « Turkey sends mixed signals over Syrian mercenaries in Libya » – Al-Monitor

"Turkey’s withdrawal of a limited number of Syrian militia from Libya is aiming to sidestep potential accusations of spoiling the election process in the...

Erdogan-Putin summit highlights Turkey’s fragile balancing act – Fehim Taştekin – Al-Monitor

"Erdogan’s failure to achieve his goals in the high-profile meeting with Russian leader Vladimir Putin shows that Turkey’s balancing act with Russia and the...

Fehim Taştekin: « Why has Turkey turned to Libya’s Gadhafi family? » – Al-Monitor

Realizing that its current allies are not sufficient to secure Turkey’s interests in Libya, Ankara is now seeking to include Gadhafi family members into...

EU’s Turkey policy: cowardly appeasement, dirty deals and sheer falsehoods – Cengiz Aktar

Ahval, June 27, 2021, Cengiz Aktar, image: Reuters, F. Lenoir Another European Council meeting has gone by, with the EU as disoriented as ever vis-à-vis...

Turkey Under Pressure Over Military Presence in Libya – Voice of America

Voice of America, June 22, 2021, Dorian Jones, image: DW Analysts say Turkey is expected to come under pressure to remove its military from Libya...

Turkey’s muddled approach to Palestine – Fehim Taştekin

Al-Monitor, June 14, 2021, Fehim Taştekin, image: Ozan Köse/AFP Ankara sees a recently ratified security cooperation deal between Turkey and the Palestinian Authority as...

Turkish drone sets off international buzz over ‘killer robots’ – Al-monitor

Al-Monitor, Juin 8, 2021, Metin Gürcan, image: AA The appearance of Turkish artificial intelligence-controlled drones in Libyan skies has rekindled questions on how lethal autonomous...

Armed Low-Cost Drones, Made by Turkey, Reshape Battlefields and Geopolitics – Wall Street Journal

The Wall Street Journal, June 3, 2021, James Marson in Istanbul, Brett Forrest in Washington, image: Murat Cetinmuhurdar Missile-equipped drones built with affordable digital technology...

« Erdogan’s incendiary remarks about Israel worsen ties with Washington »

Al Monitor, May 19, 2021, Andrew Parasiliti, Elizabeth Hagedorn, Joe Snell, image: Murat Cetin Mühürdar/PPO/REUTERS The fallout of the Turkish president’s comments could compound problems for country’s beleaguered...

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