İstanbul Convention

In April, Turkey recorded 32 femicide cases and 13 suspicious deaths / DUVAR

In April 2024, 32 women were murdered by men and 13 died under suspicious circumstances in Turkey, according to the “We Will Stop Femicides”...

Alimony: The latest battle line for Turkey’s women – Ceren Iskit / TURKEY RECAP

Although the women’s movement in Turkey has gained strength and popular support in recent years, women’s rights – collectively – have come under increasing...

European ministers call on Turkey to reverse withdrawal from Istanbul Convention

Duvar English, May 11, 2021, image: Yasin AKGUL / AFP Some 31 European ministers from 16 countries have urged the Turkish government to reverse its...

Turkey leads world in number of attacks, threats against women journalists

Duvar English, May 5, 2021 Turkey is a world leader in terms of attacks and threats targeting women journalists, said the Coalition For Women In...

A quoi joue Recep Tayyip Erdogan? Analyses de Ahmet Insel, Nora Şeni et Didier Billion

Observatoire de la Turquie Contemporaine avec Liberation, RFI et France Info, publié le 24 Mars 2021 Au sujet des mesures retentissantes sur la scène intérieure...

Le Président turc Erdogan flatte ses électeurs sur le dos des femmes

Pierre Haski sur France Inter, Géopolitique, 22 Mars 2021. Pour écouter l'émission cliquer ICI "La Turquie se retire d’un traité international sur la violence conjugale, une...

Domestic Abuse in Turkey

"Trial of Woman Who Killed Her Husband Highlights Domestic Abuse in Turkey" New York Times, March 16, 2021, Carlotta Gall The case against Melek Ipek, who...

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