
Turkey proposes bill aimed at managing large stray dog population / ABC NEWS

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan’s ruling party has submitted to parliament a controversial bill that aims to manage the country’s large stray dog population ABC...

Erdogan’s priorities at NATO summit

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan arrived in Washington on Tuesday to attend NATO’s three-day summit, where Ankara is expected to prioritize two issues: boosting defense...

Mitsotakis, Erdogan to meet in Washington – Stavros Papantoniou / EKATHIMERINI

Two leaders expected to hold brief talk on NATO Summit sidelines to review Greek-Turkish relations Ekathimerini, July 10, 2024, by Stavros Papantoniou Although a meeting between...

Turkey’s Erdogan arrives in US for NATO summit:Defense sales, PKK ties in focus /Ezgi Akin / AL-MONITOR

The Turkish president said cooperation against terrorism and removing defense sale obstacles against his country will top his agenda during his trip.Ezgi Akin Al-Monitor, 09/07/2020 ANKARA...

BYD, le constructeur chinois de voitures électriques, va ouvrir une usine en Turquie / LE FIGARO

Le groupe chinois BYD, premier constructeur mondial de véhicules électriques, s'apprête à ouvrir une usine en Turquie afin de se rapprocher du marché européen, a...

Géopolitique. Sadat, l’entreprise de sécurité turque qui déploie ses mercenaires syriens en Afrique / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

Après Wagner, c’est au tour de la Turquie de déployer des mercenaires syriens en Afrique afin de sécuriser ses alliances et investissements et approfondir...

Tensions. En Turquie, les réfugiés syriens à nouveau ciblés, sur fond de rapprochement avec Damas / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

L’agression d’une fillette à Kayseri a déclenché une vague de violences contre les ressortissants syriens dans plusieurs régions turques, qui a elle-même enflammé les...

It’s not too late for Erdogan to back away from normalisation with Assad – Zaki Kaf Al-Ghazal / MIDDLE EAST MONITOR

A quote from Christopher Nolan’s 2008 blockbuster The Dark Knight could apply to many a political career: “You either die a hero, or you live long...

Erdogan open to hosting Assad, Putin as Syria-Turkey channels widen – Ezgi Akın / AL MONITOR

The remarks came as both Erdogan and Assad raised the possibility of resuming dialogue between Ankara and Damascus. Al-Monitor, July 6, 2024, by Ezgi Akın In...

Euro 2024 : Erdogan sera à Berlin pour un match, en pleine querelle germano-turque / FRANCE 24

Recep Tayyip Erdogan, le président turc, se rendra samedi en Allemagne au quart de finale de l'Euro 2024 opposant les Pays-Bas à la Turquie,...

Turkey’s Erdogan cannot be an intermediary in Russia-Ukraine conflict / ALARABIYA NEWS

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan told Russia’s Vladimir Putin on Wednesday that Ankara could help end the Ukraine-Russia war, but Putin’s spokesman said Erdogan could not...

Turkey closes Syria border after violence flares in both countries / REUTERS

Turkey closed its main border crossings into northwest Syria on Tuesday after Turkish troops came under fire from Syrians angered by violence against their...

En Syrie, sept morts dans des manifestations contre la Turquie – Marie Jégo / LE MONDE

Des attaques racistes contre des Syriens réfugiés en Turquie sont à l’origine de troubles dans la partie de la Syrie occupée par Ankara. Le Monde,...

Turquie: ouverture du procès du meurtre de l’ancien chef des Loups gris / RFI

Le 30 décembre 2022, en plein jour, l’universitaire et ancien chef des Loups gris Sinan Ates s’écroulait après avoir été atteint de cinq balles...

Turquie. Le spectaculaire revirement d’Erdogan envers le régime de Bachar El-Assad / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

Le président turc, qui avait fait d’Assad son ennemi juré, tend désormais la main à son homologue syrien. Recep Tayyip Erdogan cherche notamment à...

Turkish President Erdogan to attend China-led summit amid series of Eastern-aligned meetings / JERUSALEM POST

Ankara has expressed interest in joining international organizations led by Beijing, Moscow. The Jerusalem post, July 2, 2024, by KRISTINA JOVANOVSKI Turkish Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan suggested...

Turkey’s president expresses willingness to restore diplomatic ties with Syria / AP

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said Friday that there is no obstacle preventing Turkey and Syria from restoring diplomatic ties that were cut off at the...

Erdogan «rencontrera probablement» Poutine au Kazakhstan début juillet / LE FIGARO

Le chef de la diplomatie turque Hakan Fidan a indiqué lundi, à la télévision, que le président Recep Tayyip Erdogan «rencontrera probablement» son homologue russe Vladimir Poutine au Kazakhstan «dans les...

Don’t cut Turkey out of European defence efforts because of Erdoğan – Gönül Tol / FINANCIAL TIMES 

Ankara can make a vital contribution as questions loom over the long-term US commitment to the continent’s security Financial Times, June 24, 2024, by Gönül...

Türkiye Fortifies its Positions in Idlib Ahead of Possible Military Escalation –  Saeed Abdulrazek / ASHARQ AL-AWSAT

The Turkish army has brought in military and logistic reinforcements to its positions in de-escalation zones in Syria’s Idlib that lie in the areas...

Turquie : l’enquête interdite – Laurent Richard / INVESTIGATIONS

Investigations, le 18 juin 2024 Documentaire réalisé par Laurent Richard https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wNCjE63FL3Y Avec plus de 100 journalistes arrêtés, 300 médias fermés, la Turquie est devenue selon Reporters...

L’avenir de l’enseignement laïc est menacé en Turquie / RTS

De plus en plus de Turcs s'inquiètent des attaques du gouvernement contre l'enseignement laïc. Alors que la laïcité est inscrite dans la Constitution, la...

Erdogan: ‘We look forward to fairer approach from G7 to solve world’s problems’ / MIDDLE EAST MONITOR

Middle East Monitor, June 17, 2024 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan expressed on Friday Ankara’s hopes for the G7 countries to adopt a: “Fairer, inclusive...

Erdoğan praises Spain’s Sánchez for supporting Palestine during Gaza war / EUROWARS

Turkey and Spain are working hard to develop and deepen their relationship. Euronews, June 14, 2024 Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has praised his Spanish counterpart,...

Erdogan’s Balancing Act in Turkey / WORLD POLITICS REVIEW

Since his sweeping overhaul of Turkey’s political system in 2017, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has cemented his near-total control over the country, even if...

Éducation. En Turquie, Atatürk bouté hors des manuels scolaires après une nouvelle réforme / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

Prévu pour la rentrée, le nouveau programme fait la part belle à l’enseignement de la religion et élague des passages de l’histoire liés au...

Erdogan and Biden may meet at NATO’s US summit in July, ambassador says / AL-MONITOR

Amid widening differences over Gaza, Turkey postponed in April the Turkish president’s visit to the White House that was planned for May. Al-Monitor, June 13,...

Turkey’s Erdogan visits opposition party headquarters for first time in 18 years / AL ARABIYA NEWS

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited the opposition CHP party headquarters on Tuesday, the first time in 18 years, after his party’s dramatic defeat in...

Nato or Shanghai Cooperation Organisation? Turkey’s Erdogan goes for both – Ragıp Soylu / MIDDLE EAST EYE

The Turkish president’s expected attendance at rival summits in the same month highlight’s Ankara’s complex geopolitical moves Middle East Eye, June 12, 2024, by Ragıp...

Erdogan says ‘rogue state’ of Israel will target Anatolia with its delusions of promised land / MIDDLE EAST MONITOR

Recep Tayyip Erdogan has said that “if this rouge terrorist state of Israel is not stopped, it will set its eyes on Anatolia with...

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