DEM party

Women’s institutions in Kurdish cities ‘turned into men’s coffee houses’ under trustee regime / BIANET

A report based on observations in Diyarbakır and Batman reveals the impact of government takeover of municipalities on women-focused institutions. Bianet English, June 20, 2024 A...

DEM Party MPs protest against Hakkari trustee in Ankara, Istanbul / DUVAR

The pro-Kurdish DEM Party deputies have protested the appointment of a trustee to replace their Hakkari mayor in Istanbul, by unfurling a banner from...

Turkey convicts pro-Kurdish party mayor for militant ties / REUTERS

 A Turkish court sentenced a pro-Kurdish party mayor in southeast Turkey to nearly 20 years in prison on Wednesday over links to militants, local...

Pro-Kurdish lawmakers stage protest in Turkey’s parliament to denounce the ouster of a new mayor / ABC NEWS

More than a dozen legislators from Turkey’s pro-Kurdish party have staged a demonstration in parliament to denounce the arrest and expulsion from office of...

DEM Party commemorates Armenian Genocide anniversary / BIANET

"We must face this history, we must confront this murderous mentality,” said DEM MP Kezban Konukçu. Bianet English, April 24, 2024 The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy...

Five key takeaways from Turkey’s elections – AL-MONITOR

The nationwide local polls on Sunday were historic in several ways, as I explained in my post-election analysis here. Al-Monitor, April 7, 2024 For the first...

Turkey reinstates pro-Kurdish election winner Zeydan after days of unrest in Van – Paul Kirby / BBC

Turkey's election authority has scrapped a decision to annul a pro-Kurdish candidate's election victory after days of escalating protests. BBC, April 5, 2024, by Paul...

Turkey gains new wave of female mayors after opposition’s poll success – Burcu Karakaş / REUTERS

Gulistan Sonuk, 31, sailed to election victory in Turkey's conservative heartland at the weekend, part of a wave of new women mayors who dealt...

Élections turques : Erdoğan a-t-il atteint les limites de son « grand projet » ? – Yavuz Baydar / MEDIAPART

Prenant tout le monde par surprise, l'électorat turc a rendu un verdict choc sur la manière qu'à Erdoğan de gouverner le pays. Au pouvoir...

Government refuses to appoint pro-Kurdish candidate elected to Van mayor’s office. Interview / DUVAR ENGLISH

In an interview with Gazete Duvar, DEM Party’s elected mayor of eastern Van province, Abdullah Zeydan, confronted AKP’s candidate, whom the government sought to...

En Turquie, tollé à la suite de l’invalidation de l’élection d’un maire prokurde au profit du parti au pouvoir / LE MONDE

Le DEM, principal parti prokurde de Turquie et troisième force politique au Parlement, dénonce une décision « illégale » de la commission électorale. Le Monde, le 3...

« Le raté des élections municipales à Istanbul démontre l’usure du système Erdogan » – Dorothée Schmid / LE MONDE

L’ampleur de la défaite électorale, particulièrement marquée dans la plus grande ville de Turquie, révèle que Parti de la justice et du développement (AKP) n’a...

Municipales en Turquie : l’invalidation de l’élection d’un candidat prokurde provoque la colère / FRANCE INFO

Troisième force politique au Parlement, le DEM dénonce une décision "illégale" de la commission électorale. France Info, le 3 avril 2024 L'invalidation de l'élection d'un maire...

Turkish electoral board hijacks Van mayorship from DEM Party for AKP candidate / DUVAR ENGLISH

The Van provincial electoral board in eastern Turkey has rescinded DEM Party candidate Abdullah Zeydan's victory in the mayoral elections by taking away his...

Will Erdogan’s fate be decided at Turkey’s local polls? – Amberin Zaman / AL-MONITOR

An opposition victory in March 31 municipal elections, including in Istanbul, could shake up Turkey's political scene in unpredictable ways, perhaps even descent into...

L’opposition pourra-t-elle « garder » Istanbul ? Cela dépendra de ses électeurs kurdes – Yavuz Baydar / MEDIAPART

Le dimanche 31 mars, des millions d'électeurs turcs éliront les maires et les conseils municipaux. La course à Istanbul sera lourde de conséquences pour...

Turkey’s Kurds could sway Istanbul vote in Sunday’s local polls – Daren Butler & Umit Ozdal / REUTERS

Many of Turkey's Kurds are set to put aside party loyalty and back Tayyip Erdogan's major rival in Istanbul on Sunday, knocking the president's...

Turkey’s local elections: One week to go, less excitement compared to 2023 elections – Alperen Şen / DUVAR ENGLISH

There is only one week left to Turkey’s local elections. After an intense electoral campaign period for the 2023 general and presidential elections, there...

Turquie: les voix de la gauche pro-kurde convoitées pour les municipales à Istanbul / RFI

En Turquie, le principal parti de la gauche pro-kurde, le DEM, organisait ce dimanche 17 mars à Istanbul un grand rassemblement pour la fête...

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