Armenian Genocide

Media freedom groups express support for Açık Radyo after license revocation / BIANET

Açık Radyo’s license was canceled by RTÜK after mentions of the Armenian genocide during a program. Bianet English, July 11, 2024 Eighteen local and international media...

La Haute Autorité de la Radiotélévision turque (RTÜK) a Annulé la Licence de Diffusion d’Açık Radyo / OBST

La Haute Autorité de la Radiotélévision turque (RTÜK) a annulé la licence de diffusion d'Açık Radyo en raison des propos tenus par un programmateur...

Turkey’s media watchdog revokes radio station’s license over genocide remembrance broadcast / BIANET

Açık Radyo was penalized over a guest’s remarks that  "109th anniversary of the massacres and deportations, referred to as genocide, that took place on...

DEM Party commemorates Armenian Genocide anniversary / BIANET

"We must face this history, we must confront this murderous mentality,” said DEM MP Kezban Konukçu. Bianet English, April 24, 2024 The Peoples’ Equality and Democracy...

Sur les ruines de l’ancienne cité d’Ani, pont entre Turcs et Arméniens / COURRIER INTERNATIONAL

Un vaste site en ruines aux confins de la Turquie et face à lui, un pont effondré qui enjambe la rivière marquant la frontière...

Haunting Photographs Document the Erasure of Armenians in Turkey – Jennifer Hattam / Hyperallergic

Jennifer Hattam shares her perspective on Andréas Lang's photographic body of work, featured in the newly released book 'Broken Memories.' These captivating images were...

Greed and Envy in the Armenian Genocide: A Conversation with Ümit Kurt – LARB

"ENTIRE HISTORIES can be written about the machinations involved in keeping the history of the Armenian genocide from being written. A cottage industry of...

What Next After the U.S. Recognition of the Armenian Genocide?

Carnegie Europe, April 30, 2021, Thomas de Waal After decades of agonizing, a U.S. president has called the massacre and deportation of the Ottoman Armenians in...

« The Jews of Turkey: a captive memory » Nora Şeni

Nora Şeni, Ahval, April 25, 2021, Published first in French in "Actualité Juive" April 15, 2021. Certainly, one would hardly expect Turkey's Jewish community to...

Biden expected to recognize massacre of Armenians as genocide

Reuters, April 22, 2021, Humeyra Pamuk, Trevor Hunnicutt, Arshad Mohammed U.S. President Joe Biden is expected to formally recognize the massacre of Armenians by the...

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