Turkey’s main opposition leader faces prosecution after losing legislative immunity following unsuccessful presidential bid – BIANET

After the parliamentary elections on May 14, former MPs who were not re-elected and had their immunity revoked are now facing judicial proceedings. Bianet...

La Turquie prête à dégainer le bazooka monétaire pour sauver la livre et terrasser l’inflation – LES ECHOS

Les marchés s'attendent à la plus forte hausse des taux depuis 30 ans en Turquie pour faire rebondir la livre et chuter l'inflation. La...

Erdoğan’s “new Turkey” looks no different than the old one – BALCANIC CAUCASO

Despite some early signs of moderation, after winning his third presidential term in contested elections, Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has remained committed to his traditional...

Turkey eyes Balkan influence amid Serbia-Kosovo tensions – THE ARAB WEEKLY

It is no secret Turkey aims to become one of the most influential foreign actors in the Balkans. By Nikola Mikovic in The Arab...

‘Deployment of Turkish troops in Kosovo crucial’ – HURRIYET DAILY NEWS

The participation of Turkish soldiers in the Kosovo Force (KFOR) to support the NATO peacekeeping force amid heightened tensions in the region is crucial and a politically prudent decision, says...

Kavala deems black propaganda series about him on Turkey’s state TV ‘conspiracy’ – DUVAR ENGLISH

Osman Kavala on June 20 made a statement about Turkish state television TRT's depiction of him as the main character of a black propaganda...

Behind Turkey’s ‘Blue Homeland’ doctrine – EKATHIMERINI

A historical, legal and geopolitical examination of Turkey's “grand idea” and how Greece should deal with it. Alexandros Diakopoulos, Petros Liakouras, Kostas Ifantis and...

Is Turkey’s economy heading for a monetary policy U-turn? – DEUTSCHE WELLE

Following the reelection of President Recep Tayyip Erdogan, analysts are asking whether Turkey sticks to the unorthodox low interest rate policy he has supported....

Une hausse des taux nécessaire pour stabiliser l’économie turque, selon un allié d’Erdogan – LE FIGARO

Des mesures «douloureuses» comme la hausse des taux d'intérêt sont nécessaires pour stabiliser l'économie turque a affirmé mardi un allié du président turc Recep Tayyip...

Astana partners meet for Ankara-Damascus normalization process – HURRIYET DAILY NEWS

Senior officials from Türkiye, Syria, Russia and Iran will hold their second meeting to facilitate the normalization process between Ankara and Damascus and discuss a road map on...

Le troisième mandat d’Erdoğan – Nicolas Monceau / TELOS

Désignées par certains observateurs comme les « élections du siècle », les élections présidentielle et législatives turques se sont tenues les 14 et 28 mai 2023....

Will the Turkish government change the course of its economic policy? – Center for Applied Turkey Studies

Turkey's parliamentary and presidential elections concluded with the re-election of Recep Tayyip Erdoğan. The president's views on monetary policy are frequently labelled “unorthodox”. Instead...

Media and Official Reactions to Erdoğan’s Win – WASHINGTON INSTITUTE

Considering Turkey’s pivotal role in the region and a number of current global issues, it’s no wonder that Arab media across the Middle East...

İstanbul Trans Pride March faces aggression amid heavy police presence – BIANET

Despite the heavy police presence, activists were able to gather in a side street approximately one kilometer away from Taksim to deliver their statement....

Standoff in Eastern Mediterranean: Erdogan is barking up the wrong tree – Robert Ellis – THE JERUSALEM POST

According to Hatem Zadek, a professor at Helwan University, Mediterranean gas can fix what politics has spoiled. By Robert Ellis in The Jerusalem Post...

Pour le moment, la Turquie bloque l’adoption des nouveaux plans défensifs de l’Otan – Laurent Lagneau

En 2019, la Turquie avait bloqué l’adoption d’un plan de l’Otan visant à renforcer la défense des États baltes et de la Pologne ,...

La Suède extrade vers la Turquie un partisan du PKK – LE FIGARO

La Turquie bloque depuis plus d’un an l’entrée de la Suède dans l’Otan, lui reprochant sa mansuétude envers les militants kurdes sur son sol....

Turquie, Libye, Tunisie… Depuis 20 ans, le casse-tête européen d’une stratégie migratoire commune en Méditerranée – LE FIGARO

L'Europe a donné des centaines de millions d'euros aux pays de transit pour réduire les traversées illégales entre les deux rives, une stratégie qui...

Advancing Israel-Turkey relations, new regional cooperation – THE JERUSALEM POST

Turkey and Israel should aim – as part of their strategic dialogue – to identify concrete contributions that Turkey can make to improve the...

NATO expansion reaches 3-way standoff between Sweden, Turkey, US – AL-MONITOR

Despite some recent progress, dysfunction in US-Turkish relations and Sweden’s domestic politics are likely to keep the Swedish nation out of NATO for a...

Otan: Paris exhorte la Turquie et la Hongrie à ratifier l’adhésion de la Suède – LE FIGARO

«Nous ne pouvons pas nous permettre d'attendre plus»: la cheffe de la diplomatie française a exhorté la Turquie et la Hongrie à ratifier l'adhésion de...

Argentina-Turkey Cooperation: A Development Opportunity with the Global South? – POLITICS TODAY

The construction of a Geosynchronous Equatorial Orbit (GEO) is one of the main objectives of the Turkey-Argentina cooperation. By Felipe Llorent in Politics Today...

Ankara, Athens agree to enhance neighborly relations – HURRIYET DAILY NEWS

The defense chiefs of Türkiye and Greece have agreed to develop ties based on good neighborhood and friendship, the Turkish defense ministry has announced, following a meeting in Brussels on...

La Russie et la Turquie s’accordent sur une visite prochaine de Poutine en Turquie – L’ORIENT LE JOUR

Le président Vladimir Poutine et le président turc Recep Tayyip Erdogan ont convenu que le dirigeant russe se rendrait "bientôt" en Turquie, a déclaré...

İstanbul mayor faces up to seven years in prison on ‘corruption’ charges – BIANET

Previously sentenced to prison and political ban for insulting members of the country's high election board, İmamoğlu now faces accusations of involvement in corrupt...

CHP leader Kılıçdaroğlu dismisses all advisors, will appoint new names – DUVAR ENGLISH

After the election loss, main opposition CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu has parted ways with all of his advisors and will appoint new names instead. Duvar...

Des bons et mauvais côtés du nationalisme turc – Jean-François Drevet / TELOS

Bien que tourné vers les électeurs, le débat toxique de l’entre-deux-tours des présidentielles turques interroge l’Europe. Sur les conseils malavisés de ses spin doctors, le...

What to Expect From Erdoğan’s New Term – Alper Coskun, Marc Pierini, Francesco Siccardi / CARNEGIE

Last month, Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan was re-elected to a third term, tempering the hopes of many in the West for a reset. Below,...

Erdoğan’s Republic: The Next Five Years – Batu Coskun / CARNEGIE

This will likely be Erdogan’s last term, as his electoral alliance is not large enough to hold a constitutional referendum to extend presidential term...

Quelle suite pour les Kurdes et la gauche après les élections ? -Alex MacDonald / MIDDLE EAST EYE

Au sein de la gauche pro-kurde, on se demande si soutenir Kılıçdaroğlu lors des élections présidentielles du mois dernier était la bonne stratégie. By...


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