Have politicians in Turkey finally agreed on something? – Edgar Şar / MEDYASCOPE

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There are remarkable developments unfolding in Turkish politics. Despite President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan and his party, the AKP, securing victories in nearly every election over the past three decades, the recent local elections on March 31st marked a significant shift.

Medyascope, June, 20, 2024, by Edgar Şar

The AKP was demoted to the second position in Turkey. This outcome was not only a significant blow to President Erdoğan, prompting his first-ever concession speech on election night, but it also compelled him to engage with the opposition after an eight-year hiatus. In an extraordinary move last week, President Erdoğan paid a reciprocal visit to the main opposition party, CHP, and its leader, Özgür Özel. But as Turkish politics is so polarized, it is still unclear what either party hopes to gain from these talks. To shed some light on to the matter, we asked Edgar Şar about the latest developments.

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