Gender-responsive legal practices in Turkey – What does it mean for legal professionals? / COUNCIL OF EUROPE

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President Erdogan has never ceased to assign women to the exclusive role of mother and wife. With Erdogan’s decision on the first of July 2021 Turkey left the Istanbul Convention that provides a general framework for preventing and combating violence against women and domestic violence. With these circumstances in mind, one can have doubts about the aims of the Council of Europe’s panel that Turkey just recently hosted concerning violence against women and domestic violence.

Observatoire de la Turquie contemporaine

« An international panel on gender-responsive legal practices was organised on 15 May in Ankara, Türkiye as part of the 75th anniversary of the Council of Europe and the 20th anniversary of the establishment of the Council of Europe Programme Office in Ankara. »

Council of Europe, May 24, 2024

The panel aimed to provide an overview of international principles and practices related to gender-responsive legal systems, main steps to be taken for legislative and policy-level changes in Turkish family law in a gender-sensitive and victim-centred manner, and gender-sensitive communication in cases of violence and domestic violence. The event, which took place in Bilkent University, brought together a total of 64 representatives (48 women and 16 men) from civil society organisations, academia, and international organisations as well as students from several universities in Ankara and provided a forum for discussion and exchange of experiences.

The event was organised by the joint European Union/Council of Europe action “Fostering women’s access to justice in Türkiye” and the joint European Union/Council of Europe project on “Improving the effectiveness of the family courts: Better protection of the rights of family members”.

The action “Fostering women’s access to justice in Türkiye” is part of the European Union and Council of Europe’s joint programme « Horizontal Facility for the western balkans and Türkiye“.

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