Source: Bianet Susma (Don’t stay silent) Platform, a platform against censorship and self-censorship, has published its “Censorship and Self-Censorship in Turkey: January 2019 – November 2019”...

Turkey’s economic Outlook : Weekly Bulletin – December 16-22

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on weekly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. “Monetary policy meetings of the Fed, ECB...

LGBTI Refugees ’ Report by Kaos GL

Ankara-based Kaos GL LGBTI Association has published its report “Turkey’s Challenge with LGBTI Refugees”. The report aims to document the obstacles faced by LGBTI...

Jews Ranked Down in Hate Speech in Media

Hrant Dink Foundation published its ‘Media Watch on Hate Speech Report’ covering the months May, June, July, August of 2019. In this quarter the Jews, who...

The youth is less “Pious” in Turkey

Poll agency KONDA released the results of the survey conducted on youth between 2008 and 2018. On a TV program Bekir Agirdir, General Manager of KONDA, stated...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Obersvatory Report-9 (December 2019)

Main indicators of Turkish economy compiled by Obervatoire Turquie Contemporaine. Unemployment rates, well being, price indexes, growth rates and projections, capacity indexes and many more...

Prison Statistics of Turkey in 2018

On December 5, Turkish Statistical Institute (Tüik) released its Prison Statistics in 2018 on its website. The report states that; The prison population in Turkey increased by...

“ Whats going ‘on ? ” : The Initiative For Freedom of Expression Released New Report !

The series of monthly report covers the violations of freedom of expression, free assembly and peaceful demonstrations in Turkey. Prepared in cooperation with the Human...

Locked Fault Zone off The Coast of Istanbul My Trigger a Major Earthquake

Source: Indigo; 21 November 2019 The Marmara Earthquake Gap Assessment and Monitoring for Istanbul (MAREGAMI) Project which is conducted in collaboration with TUBITAK, French ANR and EMSO institutions has started...

Human Rights Watch : Fighters Could be Guilty of War Crimes in Turkey’s ‘ Safe Zone ’

Turkey has recently established a “safe zone” in northern Syria and according to a report by a human rights watchdog the zone is unsafe...

 » Éditorial . la question allemande 30 ans après la reunification ” – Béatrice Giblin

Hérodote. 2019, 175(4), p. 3-9. Les succès électoraux de l’AfD aux élections régionales de septembre 2019 en Saxe et en Brandebourg – qui confirment sa...

Web Archive of Independant News Sites On Turkish Affairs

Ivy Plus Libraries Confederation provides a new archive on Turkish affairs: Description: The Web Archive of Independent News Sites on Turkish Affairs is an initiative...

Cinema And Immigration

Archives of the GREC (Groupe d’Essais et de Recherches Cinématographique/CNC) Musée national de l’histoire de l’immigration – Palais de la Porte Dorée October 23, 2019, Wednesday at...

Third Anniversary of EU-Turkey Statement : A Legal Analysis

Lors du sommet UE-Turquie du 29 novembre 2015, les parties sont convenues de soutenir les réfugiés fuyant la guerre civile en Syrie et dans...

The “ Refugee Deal ” Betwen Turkey And The EU , by Pinar Dost in. TH

in. the Cairo Review of Global Affairs. Summer 2018 “LOOSE ENDS OF A DEAL Turkey and the European Union signed a “Refugee Deal” to curb migration into Europe....

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Observatory Report-8 (August 2019)

Main indicators of Turkish economy compiled by Obervatoire Turquie Contemporaine. Unemployment rates, well being, price indexes, growth rates and projections, capacity indexes and many...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Obersvatory Report-7 (July2019)

Main indicators of Turkish economy compiled by Obervatoire Turquie Contemporaine. Unemployment rates, well being, price indexes, growth rates and projections, capacity indexes and many...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Observatory Report-6 (June 2019)

Main indicators of Turkish economy compiled by Obervatoire Turquie Contemporaine. Unemployment rates, well being, price indexes, growth rates and projections, capacity indexes and many...

Les conservatismes turcs 1908-2018. Effets de Générations , de filiations , de Ruptures

Le colloque Les conservatismes turcs 1908-2018. Effets de générations, de filiations, de ruptures a eu lieu à l’EHESS, au sein de Centre d’études turques, ottomanes, balkaniques...

A Muslim Counter-Hegemony : Turkey’s Soft Power Strategies And Islamophobia

Sinem Adar and Halil Ibrahim Yenigün Jadaliyya Sinem Adar and Halil İbrahim Yenigun discusses strategies that Ankara deploys to gain global recognition and validation for Turkey...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook: Observatory Report-5 (May 2019)

Main indicators about the Turkey’s economic outlook compiled and edited by Dr. Kenan Mortan. To read document in PDF : obs-eco-5-MAY-6-pdf

A Brief History of The Turkish Cinematique Association

Ayşecan Ay wrote a brief history of the the Turkish Cinémathèque Association for Short Paper Series of the Observatoire de la Turquie Contemporaine. The idea...

Observatory Report-4 (Turkey’s’ Economic Outloook : April 2019)

Main Indicator about the Turkey’s Economic Outlook Compiled. Read in details: obs-eco-4-APRIL-19-tableDownload

Réaction à chaud au soir des élections du 31 mars

“Tous les moyens dont ils disposent et dont ils abusent depuis toutes ces années ne suffisent toujours pas à briser totalement la volonté des...

“ Dé-civilisation ”. Une notion révolutionnaire ?

Hamit Bozarslan: «Croire à l’effondrement de nos sociétés, c’est renoncer à la résistance, à toute responsabilité» Hamit Bozarslan, interview dans Libération du 31 mars. Lire plus:

Portrait de Hamit Bozarslan par Marc Semo : “ Il était une fois l’orient ”

Le Monde | Portrait par Marc Semo | 12/03/2019 L’historien d’origine kurde est devenu au fil des ans l’un des intellectuels français les plus lucides...

“Les écrans du Bosphore ”

TIMOUR MUHIDINE, enseignant à l’INALCO et excellent connaisseur francophone de la littérature turque contemporaine décortique l’infra-structure de l’industrie des séries télévisées turques Le Monde Diplomatique, juillet,...

Observatory Report-3 (Turkey’s Economic Outlook : March 2019)

Main Indicator about the Turkey’s Economic Outlook Compiled. Read in details:obs-eco-MARCH-19

Observatory Report-2 (Turkey’s Economic Outlook : February 2019)

Main Indicator about the Turkey’s Economic Outlook Compiled. Read in details:obs-eco-Feb19-PDF

“With More Islamic Schooling , Erdogan aims to Reshape Turkey ”

DAREN BUTLER. REUTERS, 25 janvier 2018 Erdogan has said one of his goals is to forge a “pious generation” in predominantly Muslim Turkey “that will work for the construction...


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