Turkey’s Economic Outlook : GDP 2020 Q1 & Q2

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası For original report including graphics and numeric values, please see the attached PDF file below. GDP 2020 Q1 First quarter GDP growth came...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook Monthly Report – August 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Inflation Report – July 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Un instrument stratégique turc :turkish airlines . une étude de l’ifri , Avril 2020

L’Institut français des relations internationales a publié en avril 2020 une recherche sur cette compagnie aérienne qui a “étendu de façon spectaculaire son réseau de destinations...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Bulletin June 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Deux rapport sur la destruction de la liberté de la presse en Turquie

Deux rapports rendent compte de la captation de la presse par le pouvoir central en Turquie dès 2014. Autocensure, fermeture de journaux, rachat de...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Bulletin – July 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

“Studies in The History of Istanbul Jewry , 1453-1923: A Journet Through Civilizations ” by Minna Rozen

A cross-cultural and cross-temporal journey in the city of Istanbul and its Jewish community from the Ottoman conquest of Constantinople (1453) to the establishment...

“1856: Le sultan Ottoman émancipe ses sujets non-Mulsumans ”

Image: La signature du Traité de Paris entre ottomans, français et britanniques d’Auguste Blanchard, 1856 – source : WikiCommons Article de l’historien Özgür Türesay au sujet du firman ottoman de...

Eren Kesïkin ou la défense des droits de l’homme comme mode de vie

Entretien avec une avocate d’avant-garde. Pour lire en anglais cliquer ici Eren Keskin est avocate, défenseure des droits humains, féministe et ancienne dirigeante de l’Association des droits de...

New Book : “Erdogan Rising : The battle for the soul Turkey ” by Hannah Lucinda Smith

“Who is Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and how did he lead a democracy on the fringe of Europe into dictatorship? How has chaos in the...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Balance of Payments – February 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Unemployement Rate Realized as 13.8% in January in Turkey

Source: Turkish Statistical Institute, Labour Force Statistics, January 2020 published on April 9, 2020 Unemployment rate realized as 13.8% in January in TurkeyThe number of unemployed persons aged...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Bulletin – April 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Inflation Report March 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

The biggest Daily Jump in Turkey’s Coronavirus Death Toll

Source: Duvar English After the first case of the coronavirus early on March 11, Turkey saw the biggest daily jump in the coronavirus death toll today...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook Monthly Bulletin – March 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Interview With Laywer Eren Keskin – Defending Human Rights as Lifestyle

Eren Keskin is a lawyer, human/women’s rights defender and former head of the Istanbul Human Rights Association. She is also the co-founder of the Project for...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Weekly Bulletin – February 24 – MARCH 2

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on weekly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. Global risk appetite has been deteriorated by...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Weekly Bulletin – February 17 – February 21

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on weekly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. Developments regarding coronavirus continued to be effective...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Bulletin – February 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Weekly Bulletin – February 3 – February 10

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on weekly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. “Global markets had a heavy data agenda...

« En libye , Erdogan et Poutine Profitent du retrait des Etats-Unis de la division ded Européens » – Béatrice Giblin

Fondatrice et ancienne directrice de l’IFG, Béatrice Giblin a répondu aux questions du journal algérien El Watan sur les ressorts de la crise libyenne. Retrouvez son interview...

Un Universal Periodic Review And Freedom of Expression In Turkey

Universal Periodic Review (UPR) reviews the situation of human rights in 193 United Nations (UN) member countries every five years. The 35th session has...

Politique éducative dans la turquie dans les années trente

Les conceptions éducatives de la jeune République de Turquie sont analysées par Nora Seni dans un article qui réunit et analyse les textes d’un écrivain-pédagogue, député...

Turkish central Government Budget Deficit Was 30,8 Billion Try in December

As reported by Türkiye İş Bankası, central government budget deficit was 30.8 billion TRY in December.  The full report including graphics and numbers can be found...

Vers un rétrécissement des horizions d’attente de la Turquie Entretient avec Jean-Francois pérouse et Yohanan Benhaim .

NICLAS RESSLER FESSY in. Confluences Méditerranée 107(2018) Confluences Méditerranée2018/4 (N° 107) Share the post "Vers un rétrécissement des horizons d’attente de la Turquie. Entretien avec Jean-François Pérouse et Yohanan...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Bulletin – January 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. “Global Economy The announcement that the US and...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Observatory Report-10 (January 2020)

Main indicators of Turkish economy compiled by Obervatoire Turquie Contemporaine. Unemployment rates, well-being, price indexes, growth rates and projections, capacity indexes and many more indicators...


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