2020 International Mission Report : “ Turkey’s Journalist On The Ropes ”

Today, on 2 December 2020, the International Press Institute (IPI) published the Report “Turkey’s Journalists on the Ropes”  the result of the joint International...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : GDP GROWTH Q3-2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

“Turkey And The Rescue of European Jews ” by I. Izzet Bahar

Routledge, 2014 “This book exposes Turkish policies concerning European Jews during the Hitler era, focusing on three events: 1. The recruitment of German Jewish scholars...

“Turkey May no Longer Be Model Partner , But Us has Interest in Finding Common Ground Where It Can ” – Dr.Philip Gordon

Andrew Parasiliti, the president and chief content officer of Al-Monitor is talking with Dr. Philip Gordon on Turkey on 25 November 2020. Click here to...

Ebinar : “Making Sense Of Developments In The Eastern Mediterranean  » By Cies

The webinar of the Center for International and European Studies (CIES) in cooperation with the Vienna-based International Institute for Peace (IIP) on 16 November...

“Ce que la Turquie a gagné dans le conflit du haut Karabagh ” – Entretient de Nicolas Cheviron Avec Hakan Gunes

“Ce que la Turquie a gagné dans le conflit du Haut Karabagh”, Entretien de Nicolas Cheviron avec Hakan Gunes le 11/11/2020 Hakan Gunes, professeur associé à...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Budget Balance – October 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Ifea’s Workshop Book : “Forms And Institution of Justice – Legal Actions In Ottoman Contexts ” by Yavuz Aykan And...

Collection: Bibliothèque (électronique) de l’IFEA | 3; Istanbul, © Institut français d’études anatoliennes, 2018 The volume was edited by Yavuz Aykan (éd.) from Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne University and Işık...

“With Presidential Government System of 2017 , the Influence of the executive of The Judiciary of Has increased ” The Report Showed

“Checks and Balances Network”, the body bringing 294 non-governmental organizations under its umbrella has released a report titled “Presidential System Ahead of 2021: Judiciary.”...

AL-Monitor : “Screws Tighten on Gray Wolves , Erdogan’s European Guard ” by Fehim Tastekin

Al-Monitor, 13 November 2020, Fehim Taştekin,photo: archives of AFP France’s decision to outlaw the Gray Wolves marks a new milestone in Erdogan’s showdown with Europe...

“More Religion Less Education ” In Turkey, 7 November 2020,  Mustafa M. Bildircin, photo: Birgün While the number of the clergy employed in the public sector increased by 71% in 2020 compared to...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook Balance Of Payments September 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

The Scientists Who Developed The Pfizer/Biontech Covid-19 vaccine are The Children Of Turkish Immigrants In Germany

The scientists who developed the Pfizer/BioNTech Covid-19 vaccine with 90% protection against the disease are the children of Turkish immigrants in Germany. Their success...

Turkey Economic Outlook : Monthly Report – November 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Le Point : « La jeunesse Turque tourne le dos à Erdogan » par Guillaume Perrier

Publié le 29/10/2020 à 09:30 | Le dirigeant turc avait rêvé de façonner une « génération pieuse », conservatrice et nationaliste. C’est l’inverse qui se produit en Turquie....

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Inflation Report – Octorber 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

Kandilli Observatory Evaluted Strong Earthquake In Izmir , Turkey

On 30 October 2020, a 6.6-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of Seferihisar district in the western province of Izmir, Turkey. The tremors occurred...

“Tension France -Turquie ” FRANCE 24 , Nora Seni

TENSIONS FRANCE – TURQUIE : QUELLE EST LA STRATÉGIE DE RECEP TAYYIP ERDOGAN ?” le 26/10/2020 sur “Nouvelle passe d’armes entre la France et la Turquie....

Amnesty Report : “ TURKEY : Politicians , Lawyers , Activist Targeted in New Wave of Mass Arrests ”

Amnesty International has published a new report on Turkey on 26 October 2020. You can find the English version of the report attached below as...

“Restless Conservatives ” BY Evangelos Areteos

“Restless Conservatives”Turkey’s volatile kingmakers and the limits of nationalist hybridization” By Evangelos Areteos “Recently, AKP and Erdogan have been facing challenges from their own backward, the...

Prof . Hamit Bozarslan on Avhal Forum : “Erdogan REGIME Can’t Survive Without Constantly Radicalizing itself « 

On 20 October 2020, Prof. Hamit Bozarslan talked with Yavuz Baydar about the current political situation in Turkey and characteristics of Erdoğan’s regime. Please click...

Medyascope.TV : “ Erdogan’s Greatest Strategic Mistake Erdogan’s Greatest Strategic Succes ”

Ruşen Çakır, a journalist and the founder of Turkey’s, analyzed the background of President Erdoğan’s and his historical strategy by focusing on the...

New York Times : “For Nagorno Karabakh’s Dueling Sides , Living Together Is ‘ Impossible ’” by Anton Troianovski...

New York Times, 13 October 2020, Anton Troianovski – a Moscow correspondent for The New York Times since September 2019. Armenians and Azerbaijanis coexisted in Soviet...

« AU haut-karabakh , le risque d’un embrasement régional » par Anne-Bénédicte Hoffner

La Croix, 14.10.2020 Malgré un fragile cessez-le-feu, les combats se poursuivent au Haut-Karabakh, région peuplée d’Arméniens au milieu du territoire azerbaïdjanais. Les interventions des puissances...

Online Lecture by Minna Rozen : “The Jewish Communities of the Ottoman Empire In the Sixteenth And Seventeenth Centuries

Prof. Minna Rozen gave an online lecture in English on YouTube on 13 October 2020. In her lecture she gives a general picture of...

“Turkey’s Combative Foreign Policy Could Soon Reach a Dead End  » by

Analysis by Tamara Qiblawi, CNN, 11 October 2020 (CNN)Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has for nearly two decades taken strides to transform Ankara’s place in the world....

Turkey’s Economic Outlook Monthly Report – October 2020

Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric values, please see...

Note de l’ifri sur les  » relations Chine-Turquie : Ambitions et limites de la coopération économique » par Tolga Bilener

Asie.Visions, n° 116, octobre 2020. «  La Chine et la Turquie ont, à première vue, de nombreux intérêts à coopérer. Le déploiement des “Nouvelles routes...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Inflation Report September 2020 – SEPTEMBER 2020

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric...

“Hate and Propaganda media in Turkey : Affiliations , Models And Patterns ”

Source: Bianet, 29 September 2020 As part of the Resilience Project, a report was published on hate and propaganda media in Turkey in collaboration with the...


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