Bianet, March 31, 2021
US Department of State has released its 2020 country report on human rights practices in Turkey, listing a series of violations...
Harith Hasan, Kheder Khaddour, Carnegie Europe, March 30, 2021, image: William John Gauthier
The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage...
H. A. Hellyer, Ziya Meral, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 19, 2021,
Relations have long been complicated between Egypt and Turkey: two powerful countries...
Buğra Poyraz, Journal of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Theology, March 2021,
To read the full article click HERE
Abstract The aim of this...
"Les ambitions nucléaires de la Turquie sont-elles une menace pour la sécurité nationale", pose la question dans une publication signée de Vassilis Nedos et Yiannis...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric values,...
Un débat avec Nora Seni, professeure à l’IFG, à regarder sur France 24
L’ex-basilique Sainte-Sophie à Istanbul s’apprête à redevenir une mosquée, renouant ainsi avec 500...
Gastronomica – Spring 2016, Zafer Yenal & Michael Kubiena
In this article Zafer Yenal & Michael Kubiena explore the dynamic sphere of restaurant and food culture...
The Journal of Peasant Studies, February 5, 2020, Derya Ziyam & Zafer Yenal
Derya Ziyam & Zafer Yenal’s article analyses the current state of seed politics...
Ahval, February 12, 2021, Turkey Abroad, image: AP
There had been a long period without open conflict between the two neighbours, which was “longer than...
in German Marchall Fund website, December 21, 2020, Emre Erdoğan(BILGI-Migration) Image: REUTERS/Murad Sezer
Emre Erdogan, TurkuazLab Scientific Coordinator evaluated the outputs of the elite survey and working...
Brookings Institute, February 2021, Nicholas Danforth (Article) Image: Shutterstock
The last four years have been marked by a series of running crises in U.S.-Turkish relations. While...
Freedom House, February 2021, Image: Sabah Photo
‘The Turkish state’s current campaign of transnational repression is remarkable for its intensity its geographic reach, and the...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric...
The Turkish economy will rank 22nd among the world’s largest economies in 2021, according to the Centre for Economics and Business Research (CEBR), a UK-based economics...
Turcica, Volume: 51 ,2020, by Daniel OHANIAN, Mehmet Z. BAŞKURT, M. Erdem KABADAYI
Abstract :The purpose of this article is to announce the publication of a partial transcription...
NORA SENI, Hérodote, no.164 (2017)Cet article décrit l’aventure d’une Turquie qui sert à définir ce qu’est et n’est pas l’Union européenne.
Il insiste sur l’opposition entre “l’obsession de...
“La Turquie adopte une posture de plus en plus hostile aux pays occidentaux. Son activisme en Méditerranée orientale et en Libye en est l’illustration. L’agressivité...
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric values, please see...
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric values, please see...
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric values, please see...
IFRI, Politique étrangère, vol. 85, n° 4, hiver 2020-2021
L’article est joint ci-dessous.
“La Turquie adopte une posture de plus en plus hostile aux pays occidentaux. Son...
Mediterranean Historical Review , Volume 35, 2020 – Issue 2, pages 189-209 | Published online: 27 Nov 2020
“In the present article, based on Ottoman and Hebrew documents, we...
« La rédaction du European Journal of Turkish Studies est heureuse de vous annoncer la parution en ligne, en texte intégral librement accessible, de...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings.
For original report including graphics and numeric...