La chasse aux opposants des « empaqueteurs » turcs. Guillaume Perrier-Le Point

Guillaume Perrier poursuit son enquête au sujet de l'activité des services turcs à l'étranger et élargit le contexte de son entretien avec un repenti...

Conférence de l’IRIS sur la Turquie

Mardi 21 septembre 2021, de 18:30 à 20hÀ l’occasion de la parution du livre La Turquie, un partenaire incontournable (Eyrolles /IRIS, 2021), de Didier Billon...

New book: »A Sultan in automne. Erdogan Faces Turkey uncontainable forces »Soner Cagaptay

Soner Cagaptay*. A Sultan in automn. Erdogan faces Turkey uncontainable forces, I.B. Taurus/The Washington Institute. In-Depth Reports: "The unprecedented economic growth and personal popularity once...

Selçuk Esenbel « Reflections from home on secularism and the possibility of muslim democracy »

Selçuk Esenbel, Bogaziçi University emeritus professor's review of the book “A Secular Age beyond the West: Religion, Law and the State in Asia, the Middle East and...

Dorothée Schmid, Yasmina Dahech: »La méthode turque en Méditerranée: L’emprise sur Chypre-Nord » -IFRI

IFRI, Dorothée Schmid et Yasmina Dahech « La méthode turque en Méditerranée : l’emprise sur Chypre-Nord », Briefings de l’Ifri, 21 juillet 2021 Points clésLe...

L’histoire de la Turquie commence-t-elle en 1453 ? – La Croix

La Croix, 28 juin 2021, Joseph Yacoub, image: Ümit Bektaş, REUTERS Joseph Yacoub, Professeur honoraire de l’Université catholique de Lyon (1). Ce spécialiste des Églises...

A Difficult Balancing Act: Russia’s Role in the Eastern Mediterranean – Carnegie Europe

Carnegie Europe, June 28, 2021, Paul STRONSKI, image: AP Russia’s assertiveness in the Eastern Mediterranean is part of its broader strategy for undermining the cohesion of...

Can Turkey Break with the Muslim Brotherhood?

Sami Moubayed, European Eye on Radicalization, 2 April 2021 On 20 March 2021, the Acting General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Ibrahim Munir,...

Defining New Modes, Models, and Agendas for EU-Turkish Relations – Edited by Kadri Tastan

Kadri Tastan is a Senior Fellow at TOBB, the Union of Chambers of Turkey. German Marshall Fund, Policy Paper, June 3, 2021, Kadri Tastan,...

Russia’s Posture in the Mediterranean: Implications for NATO and Europe – Marc Pierini

Carnegie Europe, June 8, 2021, Marc Pierini, image: AP/Pavel Golovkin Russia’s activities in the Mediterranean have created new challenges for Europe’s energy interests and NATO’s...

A country outside of the global climate policy: Turkey

Bianet, May 21,2021, Ebru Voyvoda The global economic and social order is reshaping in the face of stagnation and climate crises. Turkey is strengthening the...

Against Whom Is Ankara Waging War in Syria: The Kurds or The Kurdish Workers’ Party?

Carnegie Europe, May 13, 2021, JIWAN SOZ.   As Turkey continues to take a hardline stance on the Kurds’ legal rights, international organizations and actors should...

How Internet intricates with geopolitics. The case of Eastern Ukraine

Mapping the routes of the Internet for geopolitics: The case of Eastern Ukraine, by Kevin Limonier, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, Kavé...

An honourable profession in wreckage: how Erdoğan destroyed Turkey’s media

Ahval, May 3, 2021, Yavuz Baydar Turkey today is an inferno with respect to the freedom, independence and plurality of the media. The country has become...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Report – May 2021

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Global Economy  Uncertainties about the course of the coronavirus pandemic remains on the agenda due to the concerns caused by the high...

Muslims in Germany: Religion not a good gauge of integration

DW, April 28, 2021, Elliot Douglas A study shows that the number of Muslims in Germany has significantly risen compared to 2015 and many still...

Travelogues to the Ottoman Empire, the Balkans, and the Middle East in the archives of SALT Research

SALT Research's section of Monographs collated in collaboration with the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes (IFEA)) includes digitized travelogues to...

US report: Freedoms restricted, rule of law compromised in Turkey

Bianet, March 31, 2021 US Department of State has released its 2020 country report on human rights practices in Turkey, listing a series of violations...

The Making of the Kurdish Frontier: Power, Conflict, and Governance in the Iraqi-Syrian Borderlands

Harith Hasan, Kheder Khaddour, Carnegie Europe, March 30, 2021,  image: William John Gauthier The Iraqi-Syrian border continues to be geopolitically restless. Kurdish parties have taken advantage...

Will the Page Turn on Turkish-Egyptian Relations?

H. A. Hellyer,  Ziya Meral, Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, March 19, 2021, Relations have long been complicated between Egypt and Turkey: two powerful countries...

New article »The Definition and the Development of the Religious Protectorate of France in the Ottoman Lands »Bugra Poyraz

Buğra Poyraz, Journal of Eskişehir Osmangazi University Faculty of Theology, March 2021, To read the full article click HERE Abstract The aim of this...

Les ambitions nucléaires de la Turquie vues par la Grèce

"Les ambitions nucléaires de la Turquie sont-elles une menace pour la sécurité nationale", pose la question dans une publication signée de Vassilis Nedos et Yiannis...

Turkey’s Economic Outlook : Monthly Report – February 2021

Source: Türkiye İş Bankası Turkey’s economic outlook on monthly basis based on main indicators, monetary policy and anticipatory meetings. For original report including graphics and numeric values,...

Sainte-Sophie : La mosquée de la discorde ?

Un débat avec Nora Seni, professeure à l’IFG, à regarder sur France 24 L’ex-basilique Sainte-Sophie à Istanbul s’apprête à redevenir une mosquée, renouant ainsi avec 500...

10 Percent Shares of Turkey’s Stock Exchange is Sold To Qatar

Turkey and Qatar signed 10 new deals at a joint meeting held at the Presidential Complex in Ankara on November 26. With the signed...

Rescuing Taste From The Nation : Culinary Work At The Crossroads In Istanbul

Gastronomica – Spring 2016, Zafer Yenal & Michael Kubiena In this article Zafer Yenal & Michael Kubiena explore the dynamic sphere of restaurant and food culture...

Seed Politics in Turkey – The Awakening of Landrace Wheat And It’s prospects

The Journal of Peasant Studies, February 5, 2020, Derya Ziyam & Zafer Yenal Derya Ziyam & Zafer Yenal’s article analyses the current state of seed politics...

‘ Why Turkey Wants To See a Revival of the Iran Nuclear Deal ? ’ by DR Hamidreza Azizi , Research Fellow...

Ahval, February 12, 2021, Turkey Abroad, image: AP There had been a long period without open conflict between the two neighbours, which was “longer than...

Is Polarization Turkey ’s Fate ?

in German Marchall Fund website, December 21, 2020, Emre Erdoğan(BILGI-Migration) Image: REUTERS/Murad Sezer Emre Erdogan, TurkuazLab Scientific Coordinator evaluated the outputs of the elite survey and working...

Brookings Report On New U.S Policies by ?ocholas Danforth

Brookings Institute, February 2021, Nicholas Danforth (Article) Image: Shutterstock Summary The last four years have been marked by a series of running crises in U.S.-Turkish relations. While...


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