Turkey (Türkiye): Background and U.S. Relations In Brief
Updated January 19, 2023
U.S. relations with Turkey (Türkiye) take place within a complicated geopolitical environment and with...
October 2022
Since transitioning to the presidential system in mid-2018, the existing problems in Turkey’s foreign policy have intensified and new issues have emerged. Turkey has become...
L'Observatoire de la Turquie contemporaine a le plaisir de publier cet article inédit de Sara Yontan Musnik, conservatrice, chargée des collections turques à la...
"The Pembe Konak (Pink Mansion) in Istanbul was once the headquarters of the Committee of Union and Progress, which, Zürcher notes, was “unloved under...
A brilliant synthesis of Turkey's foreign policy of two decades published in. CEPA February 17, 2022 and The Washington Institute for Near Eastern Policiy
Sustam, E. (2021), ‘Ecological Self-Governmentality in Kurdish Space at a Time of Authoritarianism’, in Ecological Solidarity and the Kurdish Freedom Movement, Stephen E. Hunt...
MATOSSIAN Bedross DER*, The Horrors of Adana: Revolution and Violence in the Early Twentieth Century, Stanford University Press, 2022.
"In April 1909, twin massacres shook the...
CALAFATO Özge Baykan*, Making the Modern Turkish Citizen: Vernacular Photography in the Early Republican Era, Bloomsbury Publishing, 2022.
"Featuring over 100 colour images, this book explores...
The collection of Ottoman Theatrical Posters belongs to the Research Institute for Languages and Cultures of Asia and Africa(ILCAA), Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS)....
"With twenty months left until Turkey’s legislative and presidential elections, the political debate will be fierce. The West may choose to sit it out...
Guillaume Perrier poursuit son enquête au sujet de l'activité des services turcs à l'étranger et élargit le contexte de son entretien avec un repenti...
Mardi 21 septembre 2021, de 18:30 à 20hÀ l’occasion de la parution du livre La Turquie, un partenaire incontournable (Eyrolles /IRIS, 2021), de Didier Billon...
Soner Cagaptay*. A Sultan in automn. Erdogan faces Turkey uncontainable forces, I.B. Taurus/The Washington Institute.
In-Depth Reports:
"The unprecedented economic growth and personal popularity once...
Selçuk Esenbel, Bogaziçi University emeritus professor's review of the book “A Secular Age beyond the West: Religion, Law and the State in Asia, the Middle East and...
IFRI, Dorothée Schmid et Yasmina Dahech « La méthode turque en Méditerranée : l’emprise sur Chypre-Nord », Briefings de l’Ifri, 21 juillet 2021
Points clésLe...
La Croix, 28 juin 2021, Joseph Yacoub, image: Ümit Bektaş, REUTERS
Joseph Yacoub, Professeur honoraire de l’Université catholique de Lyon (1). Ce spécialiste des Églises...
Carnegie Europe, June 28, 2021, Paul STRONSKI, image: AP
Russia’s assertiveness in the Eastern Mediterranean is part of its broader strategy for undermining the cohesion of...
Sami Moubayed, European Eye on Radicalization, 2 April 2021
On 20 March 2021, the Acting General Guide of the Egyptian Muslim Brotherhood (MB), Ibrahim Munir,...
Carnegie Europe, June 8, 2021, Marc Pierini, image: AP/Pavel Golovkin
Russia’s activities in the Mediterranean have created new challenges for Europe’s energy interests and NATO’s...
Bianet, May 21,2021, Ebru Voyvoda
The global economic and social order is reshaping in the face of stagnation and climate crises. Turkey is strengthening the...
Carnegie Europe, May 13, 2021, JIWAN SOZ.
As Turkey continues to take a hardline stance on the Kurds’ legal rights, international organizations and actors should...
Mapping the routes of the Internet for geopolitics: The case of Eastern Ukraine, by Kevin Limonier, Frédérick Douzet, Louis Pétiniaud, Loqman Salamatian, Kavé...
Ahval, May 3, 2021, Yavuz Baydar
Turkey today is an inferno with respect to the freedom, independence and plurality of the media.
The country has become...
Source: Türkiye İş Bankası
Global Economy
Uncertainties about the course of the coronavirus pandemic remains on the agenda due to the concerns caused by the high...
SALT Research's section of Monographs collated in collaboration with the French Institute for Anatolian Studies (Institut Français d'Études Anatoliennes (IFEA)) includes digitized travelogues to...