The United States Needs to Play Hardball With Turkey /Eric S. Edelman, Sinan Ciddi / FOREIGN POLICY

FOREIGN POLICY JANUARY 5, 2024 Turkey and the United States have been treaty allies since Ankara joined the trans-Atlantic alliance in 1952 by formally becoming...

Turquie 2013-2018 : années décisives, années incomprises / Xavier Raufer / Sécurité Globale

De la fin 2018 à la présente année 2023, l’alliance entre le parti pantouranien MHP et l’AKP tout dévoué à son chef R. T....

Birth control, abortion and sexuality after the earthquake in Hatay – Interview with Dr. Türkan Günay / CATLAK ZEMIN

The Association of Public Health Specialists (Halk Sağlığı Uzmanları Derneği – HASUDER) established a “Women and Reproductive Health Services in Disasters” unit in Hatay...

Mer Noire. Turquie et Russie en eaux troubles / Marie Jégo / LE MONDE

Depuis le début de l’invasion russe en Ukraine, Ankara joue une partition délicate. Forte de son droit de contrôle des détroits du Bosphore et...

La guerre oubliée de la Turquie contre les Kurdes empoisonne les sols de Syrie / REPORTERRE

La Turquie a récemment mené plusieurs campagnes aériennes dévastatrices dans le nord-est de la Syrie. Bilan : de nombreuses victimes civiles, une pollution catastrophique et la...

Germany’s Paralysis Holds Back Europe – Judy Dempsey / CARNEGIE EUROPE

Past German governments have relied on Russian gas and the U.S. security umbrella. With Putin’s war in Ukraine and the prospects of a Trump...

Entretien avec Thomas Gomart (Ifri): « L’Europe doit faire un effort de lucidité » / L’ECHO

Les bouleversements géopolitiques dans le monde ont pris de vitesse les dirigeants européens habitués au confort du statu quo. "L'Europe est face à des...

Une « zone de production pharmaceutique » vieille de 2 800 ans découverte en Turquie / GEO

Les laboratoires pharmaceutiques sont apparus récemment à l'échelle de l'Histoire, pour autant, nos ancêtres avaient eux aussi droit à leurs propres médicaments. Le 23 janvier...

In Ukraine war arms race, US stalls as Israel, Turkey and South Korea surge /Joshua Posaner / Lucia Mackenzie / Jan Cienski / POLITICO

The West has pledged to do whatever it takes to support Ukraine while also returning militaries to a war-ready status, but it is defense contractors in South Korea, Turkey and Israel which are reaping many of the early deals.

Nationalism, Islam and Democracy in Turkey – Umut Ozkirimli / IEMED

Introduction: A Model for the Middle East? November 3, 2022, Umut Ozkirilimli, IEMED. Despite initial skepticism regarding the results of November 3, 2002, general elections which...

Le Soudan dans la géopolitique africaine de la Turquie : une expérience sotto voce dans une région convoitée / Elisa Domingues dos Santos / IFRI

Depuis le lancement d’un plan d’ouverture à l’Afrique en 2003, la politique africaine de la Turquie a gagné l’ensemble du continent africain, où son...

Ishak Alaton, le juif qui voudrait que la Turquie se souvienne : Ariane Bonzon / SLATE

Le 9 août 2013 la journaliste Ariane Bonzon décrivait pour SLATE la tentative d'Ishak Alaton, figure majeure de la scène économique turque, de rétablir...

« Russie-Turquie, une complicité toxique » Nora Seni / la revue HERODOTE

Le dernier numéro de la revue Hérodote consacré à la Russie et l'Ukraine vient d'être publié en octobre 2023 aux Editions La Découverte. Nora...

Une carte géopolitique de la Turquie – Cécile Marin / Le Monde Diplomatique

Carte Géopolitique de la Turquie réalisée par Cécile Marin, Le Monde Diplomatique - Manière de Voir

Élections enTurquie : la résilience d’Erdoğan – Salih Işık Bora – Institut Jacques Delors

1. Le pouvoir politique d’Erdogan contesté sans être affaibli  Le paysage électoral apparu lors des élections présidentielles et législatives des 14 et 28 mai est...

How Erdoğan’s Populism Won Again – Sebnem Gumuscu & Berk Esen / JOURNAL OF DEMOCRACY

Abstract Turkey’s Recep Tayyip Erdoğan won a third presidential term in May 2023 in a close race that constituted the opposition’s best chance ever to...

(Non-)deport to Discipline: The Daily Life of Afghans in Turkey – Sibel Karadağ & Deniz Sert / JOURNAL OF REFUGEE STUDIES

Journal of Refugee Studies, Published:10 June 2023. Abstract This study contributes to discussions on the politics of (non-)deportability by focusing on the case of Afghans, the...

Outlining EU-Turkey relations: The impacts of the Ukraine war and Turkey’s crucial elections – Tony Alaranta / FIIA

ABSTRACT Turkey-EU relations are affected by Russia’s war on Ukraine and its consequences for the EU’s place in the world. Another major factor is Turkey’s...

Turquie, les ambitions bridées – IFRI

Turquie, les ambitions bridées. Politique étrangère, vol. 88, n° 2, été 2023, Institut français des relations internationales La Turquie, à travers les élections de ce...

Introduction to the issue: “On Islamist Parties and the Inclusion-Moderation Hypothesis: Lessons from the Past Decade” – Clément Steuer / Journal of Middle East...

Abstract At the beginning of the 2010s, several Arab countries seemed about to follow the model of Turkey, with an electoral victory of Islamist parties...

Turkey’s Growing Foreign Policy Ambitions – Kali Robinson / CFR

Turkey’s geography and membership in NATO have long given the country an influential voice in foreign policy, but the assertive policies of President Erdogan...

Turkey’s monumental election results surprise many seasoned observers – Serhat S. Çubukçuoğlu & Rahaf Al Khazraji / TRENDS RESEARCH

Introduction Turkey’s election results have taken many observers by surprise. After twenty-one years of uninterrupted rule, the governing Ak Parti (AKP) faced its greatest challenge...

La veille politique et électorale de la Turquie N°7 – Selmin Seda Coskun & Jean-Sylvestre Mongrenier / INSTITUT THOMAS MORE

The Thomas More Institute’s Turkish Political and Electoral Monitoring is a monthly resource for monitoring and analyzing Turkish political news ahead of elections.Available in English...

Turkey 2030: How did we get here? – Barın Kayaoğlu / MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE

To analyze the crossroads Turkey faces in the 2023 elections, it could prove useful to “look back from the alternative futures” and explore how...

The Future of Turkey-EU Relations – Sinem Akgül Açıkmeşe / PANORAMA

European politicians, bureaucrats, and the Turkish side have long argued that a lack of trust is the main problem in general with downs, rarely...

Veille stratégique et géopolitique de la Turquie N°19 May 2023 – By Selmin Seda Coskun & Jean-Sylvestre Mongrenier / INSTITUT THOMAS MORE

The Thomas More Institute's Turkish Strategic and Geopolitical Monitoring is a monthly resource for monitoring and analyzing Turkish geopolitical news and the Turkish-speaking world....

Autocratization vs. democratization: The new framework for understanding political competition in Turkey in view of the elections and beyond – Evangelos Areteos / ELIAMEP

The traditional “Kemalist vs. Islamist” divide is being replaced by authoritarianism vs. democratization. The antagonism between authoritarian statism and democratization will decide the future of...

Turkey’s 2023 Elections: Perspectives on a Critical Vote – / MIDDLE EAST INSTITUTE

It is a cliché for politicians to claim that an upcoming election is the most critical vote in the history of the country. In...

China’s Response to Türkiye’s Volatile Authoritarianism – Derya Göçer & Ceren Ergenç / CARNEGIE

China's Belt and Road Initiative has followed a unique, locally focused strategy in Türkiye to adapt to the Turkish economic and political environment. Carnegie...

Turkey’s upcoming elections: Impacts on the Russia-Ukraine war, the Gulf, and Syria – TRENDS RESEARCH & ADVISORY

By Serhat S. Çubukçuoğlu, Senior Researcher - Strategic Studies Department in Trends Research and Advisory. Read policy note here, May 5, 2023. HIGHLIGHTS Upcoming Elections: Turkey’s general...


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