Meditation on Historical Ghost of southeast Anatolia

Journal of Embodied Research, Video-article by Nilüfer Gros In this video-article published on the Journal of Embodied Research,  Nilüfer Gros describes the artistic research  that she ...

Dossier Turquie dans la revue de la politique internationale

Le nouveau numéro de la revue politique internationale (no.170-hiver 2020.2021) suivie par les milieux d’affaires et les chancelleries, a publié un dossier sur la Turquie. Il est composé...

New Book :”Competing Ideologies in Late Ottoman Empire And Early Turkish Republic ” Ahmet Seyhun

Selected Writings of Islamist, Turkist, and Westernist Intellectuals. I.B.Taurus, 14.01.2021 About this book: “The second constitutional period of the Ottoman Empire and the early decades of the...

Nouveau Livre : « raisons à faire la paix plutôt que la guerre – Charles-Quint et Soliman » par Alain Servantie

Les éditions ISIS Istanbul, 2020 « I. Voyages et mer 1. « Commerçants, diplomates, pèlerins sur les mers en fureur et les âpres chemins de l’empire ottoman (1480...

New Book :” Turkish Litterature as World Litterature ”

Editor(s): Burcu Alkan, Çimen Günay-Erkol,Bloomsbury Academic, 10 december, 2020 “Essays covering a broad range of genres and ranging from the late Ottoman era to contemporary literature open the...

New Book : “Jews And Palestiniants in Late Ottoman Era , 1908-1914: Claiming The Homeland (Edinburgh Studies on...

Edinburgh University Press; 1st edition, January 17, 2020 “Uncovering a history buried by different nationalist narratives (Jewish, Israeli, Arab and Palestinian) this book looks at...

New Book : “Multicultiralism in Tukey – The Kurds And The State ” by Durukan Kuzu

Cambridge University Press, March 2020, “Over the past couple of decades, there have been many efforts to seek a solution to the often violent situation...

New Book: “Collective & State Violence in Turkey: The Construction of a National Identity from Empire to Nation-State” by Astourian and Kevorkian

“Turkey has gone through significant transformations over the last century—from the Ottoman Empire and Young Turk era to the Republic of today—but throughout it...

New Book (soon): “Turkish Kaleidoscope: Fractured Lives in a Time of Violence” by Jenny White

“Turkish Kaleidoscope tells the stories of four unforgettable protagonists as they navigate a society torn apart by violent political factions. It is 1975 and Turkey...

New book (soon): “The Resistance Network: The Armenian Genocide and Humanitarianism in Ottoman Syria, 1915–1918 (Armenian History, Society, and Culture)” by Khatchig Mouradian

“The Resistance Network is the history of an underground network of humanitarians, missionaries, and diplomats in Ottoman Syria who helped save the lives of thousands...

New book: “Venise Et L’Empire Ottoman: Les Guerres de Morée (1684-1718) (French Edition)” by Eric G. L. Pinzelli

Independently published (December 1, 2020) “In 1684, for the first time in its history, Venice declared war on the Ottoman Empire, as the Republic joined...

New Book : “ New Social Movements And Armenians Questions in Turkey – Cviil Society VS. The State” by Özlem Belcim...

Palgrave Macmillan, 2020, Series title: Modernity, Memory and Identity in South-East Europe “This book explores and comparatively assesses how Armenians as minorities have been represented in...

« La Turquie par quartiers » par Magali Boumaza

a Turquie par quartiers – À propos de : Élise Massicard, Gouverner par la proximité. Une sociologie politique des maires de quartier en Turquie,...

New Book : “Greeks – Elite Nationalism And Minority Politics in Late Ottoman And Early Republicain Istanbul ” by...

Routledge, 30 December 2020, by Dimitris Kamouzis “This book provides a solid and critical historical examination of the endorsement, development and course of Greek nationalism...

Democratic And Republican Leaders In the US Say Turkey is Undermining Nato

The top Democrat and the top Republican on the House Foreign Affairs Committee criticized Turkey’s purchase of a Russian air defense system and drilling...

To Improve Ties , Turkey Calls on EU to Act With Common Sense

During the conference with his Hungarian counterpart in Ankara, Turkish Foreign Minister Mevlut Cavusoglu reiterated that Ankara wanted to join the bloc as a...

New Book : “ Global Jihad – A Brief History ” Gleen E. Robinson by

STANFORD UNIVERSITY PRESS, NOVEMBER 2020  “Most violent jihadi movements in the twentieth century focused on removing corrupt, repressive secular regimes throughout the Muslim world. But...

New Book : “ Kinship And Disaporas in Turkish Foreign Policy ”

Hatay, Mete; & Zenonas Tziarras, eds, (2019) Kinship and Diasporas in Turkish Foreign Policy: Examples from Europe, the Middle East and the Eastern Mediterranean, PRIO Cyprus...

New Book (Soon ): “Under The Banner of Islam – Turks , Kurds , And The limits of religious ...

Oxford University Press, 02 February 2021. Published under the category of “Religion and Global Politics”, Under the Banner of Islam examines how ethnic and religious identities are...

Nouveau Livre : «et les juifs bulgares furent sauvés … » par Nadège Ragaru

Presses de Sciences Po, 22 octobre 2020 « Exception en Europe, un État allié du Reich a refusé de déporter sa communauté juive. Cette image...

New Book : “ Understanding And Teaching The Modern Middle East ” by Omnia EL Shakry (ED.)

The Harvey Goldberg Series for Understanding and Teaching History Copyright Date: 2020 Published by: University of Wisconsin Press “Many students learn about the Middle East through a...

New Editition : “The New Sultan : Erdogan And The Crisis of Modern Turkey ” by Soner Cagaptay

I.B. Tauris; 2nd edition (February 20, 2020) “New Edition of the Leading Work on Modern Turkey. In a world of rising tensions between Russia and...

New Book (Soon ) :  » Between The Ottoman And The Entente : The First World WAR in The Syrian And...

Oxford University Press, 1 February 2021, Stacy D. Fahrenthold “Since 2011 over 5.6 million Syrians have fled to Turkey, Lebanon, Jordan, and beyond, and another...

New Book (Soon ): “The Ottoman Army And The First World War ” by Mesut Uyar

Routledge, December 2020, Mesut Uyar “This is a comprehensive new operational military history of the Ottoman army during the First World War. Drawing from archives,...

Le Monde : « LE Haut-Karabakh une victoire en Demi-Teinte pour la Turquie DEMI-TEINTE » PAR JEAN-FRANÇOIS CHAPELLE

Devant le groupe parlementaire de son parti, le président turc, Recep Tayyip Erdogan, a joué dans le registre de l’émotion, mercredi 11 novembre, pour saluer...

New Book : “A commerce of Knowledge : Trade , Religion ,And Scholarship Between England And The Ottoman Empire , 1600-1760”...

Oxford Scholarship Online, February 2020 For a recent webinar which is given by Simon Mills and chaired by Marina Rustow, Khedouri A. Zilkha Professor of...

New Book : “Port Cities of The Eastern Mediterranean : Urban Culture in The Late Ottoman Empire ” by Malte Fuhrmann

Cambridge University Press, October 2020 “Eastern Mediterranean port cities, such as Constantinople, Smyrna, and Salonica, have long been sites of fascination. Known for their vibrant...

New Book (Soon ): “Turkey’s Electoral Geography – Trends , Behaviours And Identities IDENTITIES”

Routledge publishing, Copyright Year 2021, Edited By Edip Asaf Bekaroğlu and Gülsen Kaya Osmanbaşoğlu “Analyzing Turkey’s electoral geography, this volume evaluates the geographical repercussions of the elections in Turkey...

New Book : “Useful Enemies : Islam And The Ottoman Empire in Western Political Thought , 1450-1750” by Noel Malcom

Oxford University Press, USA, 2019 “From the fall of Constantinople in 1453 until the eighteenth century, many Western European writers viewed the Ottoman Empire with...

New Book (Soon ): “Turkish Kaleidoscope : Fractured Lives in a Time of Violence ” by Jenny White

Princeton University Press, Copywright 2021, written by Jenny White, illustrated by Ergün Gündüz “Turkish Kaleidoscope tells the stories of four unforgettable protagonists as they navigate a...


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