AL-MONITOR, 18/11/2024
The State Department said several Hamas leaders have been indicted in the United States and "should be turned over."
WASHINGTON — The State Department warned...
PUBLISHED 10/8/2024 on Lauren Wolfe
With Project 2025 looming over the U.S. elections, Turkey offers a preview of an antidemocratic future.
Walking the streets of Istanbul, you come...
Feminists have updated the strike, whose basic meaning is work stoppage, by not performing any form of paid, unpaid, physical, emotional labor that the...
En dépit de l’interdiction d’accéder à la place Taksim d’Istanbul, des manifestations ont eu lieu vendredi dans un contexte de régression des droits et...
Pendant les élections de mai 2023 le président Erdogan s'est amplement servi de l'acronyme LGBT pour fustiger ses opposants et en particulier son rival,...
"Des milliers de Turcs sont descendus dans le rue, jeudi, pour dénoncer la condamnation du maire d'Istanbul Ekrem Imamoglu à deux ans et sept...
"Depuis le début de l’automne 2022, des manifestations homophobes se déroulent à Istanbul et dans plusieurs villes turques. Des organisations religieuses conservatrices sont à la...
"As anti-government protests continue in Iran, Tehran is escalating tensions with its neighbors, accusing them of interfering in its domestic affairs. One of those...
"Des dizaines de manifestantes rassemblées pour célébrer la Journée internationale pour l'élimination de la violence contre les femmes ont été arrêtées vendredi à Istanbul, a constaté...
"Le pouvoir turc vise les forces du Parti des travailleurs du Kurdistan, qu’il accuse d’avoir perpétré l’attentat d’Istanbul le 13 novembre" rapporte Le Monde avec...
"The U.S. Supreme Court on Monday declined to hear Turkey's bid to dismiss two lawsuits filed by demonstrators seeking monetary damages after accusing Turkish...
"Alors que la France envisage d’inscrire le droit à l’avortement dans la Constitution, ailleurs – y compris dans plusieurs pays occidentaux – ce droit...
"From video campaigns circulating on social media to street protests and singers cutting their hair on stage — women from all walks of life in Turkey have expressed solidarity with...
"Women activists, celebrities and jailed Kurdish politician Selahattin Demirtas cut their hair in solidarity with Mahsa Amini, the Iranian Kurdish woman who died in...
"Turkey’s healthcare workers on Thursday began a two-day strike following the murder of a doctor and his secretary by a patient’s relative in central...
"In Turkey, green protests can go beyond environmental issues and include demands for more inclusive and transparent governance. But while climate activism can help...
"Depuis un spectaculaire défilé de plus de cent mille personnes à Istanbul, en 2014, les autorités turques interdisent le rassemblement, année après année, invoquant des...
"Turkish press unions organized nationwide rallies Tuesday to protest the likely passage of a so-called disinformation bill. They worry that jail sentences of up...
"Two district governor’s offices in Istanbul have banned all LGBTI+ Pride Week events, scrapping what would have marked the 30th anniversary of the celebrations...