On the 13th anniversary of Hrant Dink’s murder, thousands gathered again where he was shot. This year’s speech was delivered by Şebnem Korur Fincancı,...
The Memorial book ´Muestros Dezaparesidos (Our Losses): Memorial of the Judeo-Espagnols Deported from France´ was presented in IFEA (Institut Français d’Études Anatoliennes) Istanbul.
‘Muestros Dezaparesidos...
Article de Corry Guttstadt, (traduit de l’allemand par Olivier Mannoni) dans la Revue d’Histoire de la Shoah2015/2 (N° 203), pages 195 à 231
Corry Guttstadt travaille depuis...
The Skilliter Centre for Ottoman Studies has launched the Eckstein Albums on Cambridge Digital Library
Exiled by Hitler, Prof. Dr. Albert Eckstein turned his medical...