One of Turkey's mid-sized Mediterranean oil terminals - the Dortyol terminal - will no longer accept Russian imports after receiving record volumes last year,...
Turkey Recap, March 5, 2024 by Leo Kendrick and Wouter Massink
BERLIN – In December 2023, German Interior Min. Nancy Faeser announced the phasing out...
Reuters, March 5, 2024 by Tuvan Gumrukcu
Turkey hopes talks for a ceasefire in Ukraine will start soon, Foreign Minister Hakan Fidan said on Sunday,...
The Ankara 1st Heavy Penal Court had acquitted 18 defendants, including Mehmet Ağar and Korkut Eken in the case regarding 18 unidentified murders of...
By Adam Samson, Turkey correspondent for FT.
Financial Times, March 2, 2024
Turkish stocks have notched up a world-leading rally this year as “tech mania” grips...
Ankara 9th Criminal Court of Peace canceled the content removal decision of the Turkish government for 45 tweets following the mining disaster in Erzincan...
Le président Erdoğan s’est promis de former des générations pieuses en Turquie. Il ne ménage pas ses efforts dans l’éducation, dès la maternelle.
France Info,...
Si la Turquie a vivement empêché les opposants russes de rendre hommage à Alexei Navalny, d'autres pays refuges leur permettent de s'exprimer, comme les...
La Turquie est tenue pour responsable de nombreuses violations des droits humains dans les régions du nord de la Syrie contrôlées par les forces turques et...
Victime de menaces répétées, Ahmed Katie, militant des droits humains, avait mystérieusement disparu fin novembre. Placé en détention, il est depuis accusé “d’espionnage” au...
European Commission, February 29, 2024
Today, the Commission signed an agreement with Türkiye on a €400 million grant from the European Union Solidarity Fund (EUSF)...
The Turkish president unveiled the efforts to set up a new safety regulation ahead of the top Russian diplomat’s visit.Al-Monitor, February 29, 2024
U.S. threat to hit financial firms doing business with Russia with sanctions has chilled Turkish-Russian trade, disrupting or slowing some payments for both imported...
The Constitutional Court annulled many articles of the first decree law issued by President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan following the transition to the presidential system,...
Après l’approbation de la Turquie, en janvier, la Hongrie était le dernier pays à bloquer l’intégration du pays scandinave à l’Alliance atlantique. Le vote...
Alors que la population turque, en proie à une inflation galopante, s’appauvrit, les quelque 400 centres commerciaux du pays croulent sous les dettes et commencent...
Eğitim Sen teachers and academics’ union drew attention to the arbitrary court decisions in the reinstatement cases of the dismissed Academics for Peace.
Bianet English,...
The Turkish lottery body has banned access to live streaming services Twitch and Kick without giving an official reason. Some commented the decision was...
En dépit des réticences de parents d’élèves, les établissements « imam hatip », chargés de former prédicateurs et imams, se développent sous l’impulsion du pouvoir islamo-conservateur.
Turkey on Wednesday named Sedat Onal as its new ambassador to Washington, tapping a career diplomat who currently heads Turkey’s mission to the United...