‘System Memory Too Low For Words’ is a film devised and produced by Ümit Kıvanç, Turkish documentary filmmaker and writer. He transforms Hrant Dink’s words to color, shape and sound, lays before us the ‘errors’ in the ‘system’ which did not allow space for Hrant Dink and his words. Hrant Dink was a Turkish-Armenian intellectual, editor-in-chief of Agos, journalist and columnist best known for advocating Turkish–Armenian reconciliation and human and minority rights in Turkey; he was often critical of both Turkey’s denial of the Armenian genocide, and of the Armenian diaspora’s campaign for its international recognition. Dink was assassinated in Istanbul on 19 January 2007 by Ogün Samast, a 17-year-old Turkish nationalist.You can watch the film to witness Hrant Dink’s passion which made him a target, and to hear from his own voice his dreams for Turkey and the world in these tumultuous days.
The film has been screened in the website of Hrant Dink Foundation and is available online with subtitles in English.
Un « documentaire amoureux » du journaliste arménien Hrant Dink assassiné à Istanbul en 2007